How to Grow Tomatoes

Did you know that people grow tomatoes more than any other vegetable? (Well technically it’s a fruit, but most people think of it as a vegetable!) And with over 11,000 varieties to choose from – you’re bound to have your own favourites.

piv-1There’s the tiny cherry varieties – like the sweet  little Tommy Toe right through to the huge beefsteak varieties like Black Krim with charcoal coloured flesh. Some varieties have real ‘bite’ and others are deliciously sweet. The tasty Black Russian is very juicy and packed with flavour. The Tigerella has gorgeous striped red fruit and contrasts well in a salad with the Beams Yellow Pear.

Once you have tasted the delicious flavour of home grown vine ripened tomatoes it is difficult to return to buying the supermarket varieties. However growing healthy juicy tomatoes with lots of flavour is not always easy. . . There are all sorts of things which can go wrong and destroy the plants and fruit before you get to taste the first one.

TomatoBook_cover_72dpi_rgb_front_smallProfessional growers don’t leave it to chance – they get expert help,  so they have the very best scientific information. Australian expert Lucia Grimmer has been helping professional growers for years – and now she shares her knowledge with home growers.

The following information is derived from her book  “How to Grow Juicy Tasty Tomatoes”  which she developed with co-author and publisher Annette Welsford. The book provides step-by-step advice and tips on how to grow tomatoes which you can use to help you substantially increase your crop’s health and yield. Not only that – your tomatoes will have more flavour and be a lot sweeter than you’ve tasted from any store bought variety.

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