Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Your Red-Eyed Tree Frog may be seriously ill if it:
Experiences excessive weight loss
Is bloated or swollen in the abdominal region
Is not growing at a proper rate
Has difficulty moving
Has abnormal growths, such as pale patches or lumps
Is extremely dark in colour
Has loose stool, or a lack of stool
Has a loss of appetite
Becomes lethargic
Has reddening of the skin around the legs or abdomen
Has swelling on the body, legs, or head
Has difficulty breathing
Dear Lover of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs:
Did you decide to invest in a Red-Eyed Tree Frog over a more conventional pet, thinking you could just put it in an aquarium and forget about it?
Do you want to own a Red-Eyed Tree Frog so you have a cool pet to play with and hold all the time?