Do You Want Your Friends GUSHING Over Your Stunning Refinished Wooden Floors, Without Spending A Fortune On A Professional?

Don’t Make The Mistake So Many Others Make!

Unfortunately, looking to the internet to get handy tips and tricks may lead you down the wrong path. It can very easily lead you to waste time and money or even cause you to give up in frustration.

photos4 (2)I cannot tell you how many websites I have found giving inaccurate or outright destructive information. It is incredible how many people sand their floor once, then write a “How-To,” claiming to be a guru.

While their before and after photos look terrible.

Being a floor sanding professional can easily lead you to believe that floor sanding shouldn’t be undertaken by amateurs. And believe me, most professional floor refinishers are not shy in saying it! But they really do believe that, and so did I.

I have seen floors sanded by amateurs many, many times. Let me tell you, I have seen some horrific work.

Just over 2 years ago, I had a friend that wanted to sand his own floors. He was a long-distance from me so, lending a hand was out of the question. I spoke with him for no more than 30 mins on the phone, I told him what machines to hire, what to look for while doing the job and methods of using the tools.

A week later he sent me photographs of his floor and I was shocked!

I never had any faith that amateurs could do a good job, but what I eventually found, is that after giving people advice on the task of floor sanding, for a mere 30 minutes, gave them


…to do an absolutely fantastic job, by anyones standards.

photo 6You can quite easily tell the difference between those who were in-the-know and those who weren’t. Unfortunately you can only tell this after the fact.

Pareto’s Principle states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. I can verify, that rule remains true here.

Just that slight boost in knowledge, can lead to dramatic differences in the quality of the finish.

You see, resanding and refinishing isn’t just about improving the floor. It’s about changing one’s entire house, an ascension on the family lifestyle ladder.

As home improvements go, refinished floors make that big impact like nothing else. They’re unparalleled as an upgrade.

Hiring A Pro May Not Guarantee You A Good Finish!

I have seen some of my competitors consistently produce worse work than any DIY job I have seen. Luckily very few pro’s are like this, but how can you know whether the guy you’re hiring is the right one?

hardwood floor 1Did you know that resanding creates more attractive hardwood floors than new installations could ever hope to achieve?

I should know, I did both types of jobs for 10 years. Though more than 95% were resands and refinishes, because it was so much more sensible for the homeowner.

Given time to settle, older wood just looks better after being sanded, smoothed, and finished with a nice coat of lacquer. These days the flooring you buy comes from fast-grow farms where nature doesn’t have the time to produce the stunning grains you find with older flooring.

In terms of quality, hardness, and durability, older wood also has the upper hand. The difference comes down to how the trees were grown. Back when we still had substantial forest land, wood mills would chop down 80-year-old trees that were slow grown, and had a durability to them that you don’t see anymore.

Nowadays those same wood-harvested trees are grown through genetically modified seeds, taking years instead of decades to reach maturity. That fast growth speed shows in the lackluster wood that they produce.