Does your dog whine or cry when you leave the house?

Are your neighbours getting sick of your barking pooch?

Have you come home to find possessions destroyed or chewed?

Has your dog shown signs of aggression?

If any of the above are true of your best friend, your dog could be suffering with anxiety and is distressed.

Around 30% of dogs will suffer with separation anxiety, and it can be as traumatic for owners as it is for our furry friends.

You have probably seen all of the signs: barking, whining, crying, having accidents indoors, destroying your possessions – all of these are symptoms of anxiety in your dog.

If you, like me, find it heartbreaking to see your dog feeling scared and anxious whenever you leave, you need to continue reading. Hearing your dog crying can be a stressful time for both you and your dog, and if you come home to find your house in disarray or accidents on the floor – the experience can be a costly one.

Many dogs will display destructive behaviour when suffering with separation anxiety. Usually they will chose something that has your scent on it, and they will rip it to shreds and sit amongst the debris to surround themselves in your scent.