That is, until they learn about the latest science in animal communication, shocking new information which I will reveal to you in just a moment.

…on building a deeper, stronger bond with your loving feline friend.

And to be fair, one party already DOES understand the other quite well

Yes, your cat. He or she knows when you’re angry or upset, joyful or tearful.

You may have noticed this while spotting your cat’s reactions to you. Sometimes his hair will perk up on his back as you summon him to come over. He knows he’s in trouble!

Other times, the sound of affection in your voice will draw your cat right to your loving embrace.

Researchers in Tokyo, Japan found out this lesson through a careful scientific analysis.

“The Japanese researchers found that cats understand

humans, not just by voice tone but also by identifying

certain words including their names, the owner’s name,

various commands you’ve used, and many other

stunning eavesdropping techniques that you

had no idea about…”

They even understand our body language and vocal inflections.

As the parent, owner, whatever you wish to call yourself, your furry friend looks up to you, and has evolved to learn to communicate with those who stand above them and provide care.

Here’s the thing though… you probably have none of this skill. Not until you’ve finished this presentation, anyways.

But that’s okay.

Cats may have been domesticated to deal with us.

But we need to use our own brains to return

the communication back.

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